Membuat Bootable USB Windows 10 Dengan Rufus

Oke langsung saja, siapkan flashdisk diatas 4 GB, udah jangan banyak ngeluh atau komentar, ini WIN 10 loh bukan WIN 7. Disini kita akan ngorbanin tu flashdisk jadi bootable win 10.

Silahkan download rufus DISINI, 
Rufus sifatnya portable, tinggal dua kali klik lansung pake tanpa instal.

WIN 10 nya Download DISINI, yang sabar dan jangan banyak ngeluh ini bakal makan kuota sekitar 4 GB. Type nya ISO Image.

Udah Download WIN 10 sama Rufus nya?
Ok pertama kita bikin Bootable Flashdisk nya doeloe, kalo belum download gegara ukuran ISO WIN 10 nya 4 GB, mending sono dah jadi duafa wifi doeloe, alias cari wifi gratisan.

Double klik Rufus 

Di rufus ini cuma dua hal yang perlu di perhatikan 

Itu pilihan  nama Flashdisk yang bakal kita jadiin bootable, biasanya udah ke detect otomatis begitu di colok, tp klo colok 2 flashdisk, ya tinggal pilih mau yang mana.

ISO Image
Buat milih File ISO Windows yang mau di pake. klik icon disk drive di samping iso image, terus cari dimana file iso windows anda. jangan bilang belum di download ya.

Klik Start
Proses ya itu kira kira kayak gini, pertama rufus bakal format flashdisk, trus baru install bootable windows nya.

Nah klo udah selesai tinggal install,  buat install kalian-kalian ini harus setting bios supaya yang pertama kali running saat booting itu ialah USB Flash Drive.

Caranya ialah, 
cari sendiri lah google, masa di suapin terus

Hajriah Fajar is a multi-talented Indonesian artist, writer, and content creator. Born in December 1987, she grew up in a village in Bogor Regency, where she developed a deep appreciation for the arts. Her unconventional journey includes working as a professional parking attendant before pursuing higher education. Fajar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Nusamandiri University, demonstrating her ability to excel in both creative and technical fields. She is currently working as an IT professional at a private hospital in Jakarta while actively sharing her thoughts, artwork, and experiences on various social media platforms.

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