Curug Cibeureum, Januari 2011

Curug Cibeureum, nama yang tidak asing pastinya untuk dibaca maupun didengar, apa lagi bagi mereka yang senang touring ke puncak Bogor. Curug yang memiliki akses masuk dari cibodas ini memang memiliki view yang cuamik, dengan akses jalan yang mudah dilalui dan sudah di perbaiki namun memang jaraknya untuk mencapai curug atau air terjun ini lumayan dapat bikin keringat. Jalur ke Curug ini pun sebenarnya menyatu dengan jalur pendakian gunung gede dan gunung pangrango, dimana sebelum mencapai air terjun ini nantinya ada percabangan antara ke arah curug atau air terjun cibeureum dan ke arah Gunung gede.
Sebenarnya ini bukan kali pertama saya ke Curug ini, sebelum-sebelumnya sudah pernah satu atau dua kali ke objek wisata ini, namun kali ini saya ditemenin calon istri saat itu, namun maaf potonya tidak bisa saya tampilkan berhubung masalah privacy, dan Aurat. 

Cibeureum waterfall, January 2011
Curug Cibeureum, a familiar name is sure to be read or heard, especially for those who like touring to the top of Bogor. The waterfall that has access to enter from Cibodas does have a nice view, with access roads that are easily traversed and have been repaired, but the distance to reach the waterfall or waterfall is quite able to make sweat. The path to this waterfall is integrated with the climbing path of Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango, where before reaching this waterfall there will be a branching between the waterfall or Cibeureum waterfall and towards Mount Gede.

This is not my first time in this waterfall, before I had visited this attraction once or twice, but this time I was accompanied by my future wife at that time, but I'm sorry I can't show the photos due to privacy and Aurat issues.
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Hajriah Fajar is a multi-talented Indonesian artist, writer, and content creator. Born in December 1987, she grew up in a village in Bogor Regency, where she developed a deep appreciation for the arts. Her unconventional journey includes working as a professional parking attendant before pursuing higher education. Fajar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Nusamandiri University, demonstrating her ability to excel in both creative and technical fields. She is currently working as an IT professional at a private hospital in Jakarta while actively sharing her thoughts, artwork, and experiences on various social media platforms.

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