Why Naruto Anime is more memorable than the Next Generation.

Have you ever thought about this, or maybe even indeed you are feeling the same thing all this time, why the Naruto anime is more memorable than the next generation. The most relevant answer seems to be the original storyline, and it tells the story of someone who wants to be the leader of his village with a background or nothing. From here we can guess why Naruto anime is more memorable than the next generation.

It can be said explicitly, in this Naruto anime we mean that when we were children we learned how to become something from nothing, from zero to hero, of course with determination and hard work. When examined deeper, there are many inspirational quotes from this Naruto anime, one of which I

like is Obito's quote about friendship, you must be familiar with this quote.
"Someone (shinobi) who violates the rules is rubbish, but the person (shinobi) who leaves his friend
is lower than the rubbish" Obito Uchiha.

But if you are asked about who Naruto is, my answer is:

Anime film that tells about

A monster who became a child
An abandoned child
Wasted as a hero
And a hero who became a legend.

The following are facts that cannot be denied why Naruto anime is more memorable than the Next-generation.

In the storyline, Naruto has lost his parents since infancy.
Lost his friend when he was a child
Losing his teacher as a teenager
And even lost himself when the monster controlled him.
But never lost his Faith.

Then the impression that emerged after watching Naruto anime for so long,
After often seeing him smile brightly
After seeing him he finally reached his dream
After all, it's very difficult to say goodbye to him.

Mengapa Anime Naruto lebih berkesan dari The Next Generation nya.

Pernah kah berfikir tentang hal ini, atau bahkan mungkin memang anda sedang merasakan hal yang sama selama ini, mengapa sih anime naruto lebih berkesan dari the next generation nya. Jawaban yang paling relevan sih sepertinya kisah jalan cerita yang orisinil, dan menceritakan seseorang yang ingin jadi pemimpin desa nya dengan latar belakang yang bukan apa-apa alias nothing. Dari sini kita sudah bisa menebak mengapa anime naruto lebih berkesan dari the next generation nya. 

Secara gamblang dapat di katakan, dalam anime naruto ini kita maksudnya kita ketika masih anak-anak belajar bagaimana agar menjadi something dari nothing, dari zero menjadi hero, tentunya dengan tekad dan kerja keras. Bila di telaah lebih dalam, banyak sekali quote yang menginspirasi dari anime naruto ini, salah satunya yang saya suka ialah quote obito mengenai pertemanan, kalian pasti sudah akrab dengan quote ini.

“Seseorang (shinobi ) yang melanggar peraturan adalah sampah, namun orang (shinobi)yang meninggalkan temannya, itu lebih rendah dari sampah” Obito Uciha.

Namun Jika anda ditanya mengenai siapakah naruto itu, jawaban saya ialah: 
Film anime yang menceritakan mengenai 
Seekor Monster yang menjadi seorang anak
Seorang Anak yang terbuang
Yang terbuang menjadi seorang pahlawan
Dan seorang pahlawan yang menjadi legenda. 

Berikut ini adalah fakta yang tak bisa dipungkiri kenapa Anime naruto lebih berkesan dari the Next generation nya.
Dalam kisah jalan ceritanya, naruto sudah kehilangan orang tuanya sejak bayi.
Kehilangan teman nya saat masih anak-anak
Kehilangan gurunya saat remaja
Dan bahkan sempat kehilangan dirinya sendiri saat monster menguasai dirinya.
Namun tidak pernah kehilangan keyakinan nya. 

Lalu kesan yang muncul setelah menonton anime naruto sekian lama,
Setelah sering melihat dia tersenyum cerah
Setelah melihat dia akhirnya dapat menggapai mimpinya
Setelah semua itu , Sangat sulit rasanya mengatakan selamat tinggal padanya.

Image source from Google search
Hajriah Fajar is a multi-talented Indonesian artist, writer, and content creator. Born in December 1987, she grew up in a village in Bogor Regency, where she developed a deep appreciation for the arts. Her unconventional journey includes working as a professional parking attendant before pursuing higher education. Fajar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Nusamandiri University, demonstrating her ability to excel in both creative and technical fields. She is currently working as an IT professional at a private hospital in Jakarta while actively sharing her thoughts, artwork, and experiences on various social media platforms.

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